Cayden Towery

CVI info
PVL info
CP Info
Stem Cell FAQ's
SCT Testimonials
HBO info
HBO Testimonials
Weekly Journal
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PayPal to the Cayden Towery Medical Fund
please click the blue donate button to the left. 

The latest news:
-We recently returned home from Mexico where Cayden recieved 40 million stem cells, 20 times more than her first stem cell transplant.  Check her Weekly Journal for updates!
-Thanks to all who helped with Cayden's garage sale Saturday, Feb 24th, 2007
-To read Cayden's journal go to the Weekly Journal.
-Cayden is now on MySpace.  Check out the pics and join her friends list!

Cayden and Big Sis Payton
April '06

Cayden's birth story:
On June 7, 2004 our little fighter, Cayden, was born via emergancy c-section.  She was limp and not breathing.  She was intabated (had a breathing tube), and was transported to Hermann Children’s Hospital in Houston. There she was put on nitric oxide to help heal her lungs.  She had what is called persistent pulmonary hypertension of a newborn (PPHN), which mean basically her lungs did not open up to breath air once she was born.  During those first 24 hours they did not think Cayden would make it. All the doctors prepared us for the worst. While in my hospital room 50 miles away I spoke to a doctor on the phone who told me that Cayden was not responding and that there was a good chance she would die. I was released from the hospital and made my way down to Houston to be with Cayden.  All I could think was how do I tell my 4 1/2 year old daughter, Payton, that her baby sister did not make it.  How could I tell her that, when all she had talked about for the past 9 months was having her baby sister home to play with.

Cayden Having a Blast
Sea World Texas, June '06

About 24 hours after her birth, Cayden began to open her eyes. Still very weak and sick, she was intabated for  2 weeks.  When she was 2 weeks old we received the news that she had severe brain damage.  At that point we did not get the magnitude of her problems.  We where just thankful our little girl was alive. Since then we have learned so much more about her brain injury.

Cayden's Diagnosis:
Cayden has cerebral palsy(CP), spastic quadriplegia, severe perivetricular leukomalacia(PVL), cortical visual impairment(CVI), Epilepsy, Infantile Spasms, Meconium Aspiration Syndrome, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy(HIE), Intraventricular Hemorrhage(IVH), and Microcephaly.  She is also deaf in her right ear.  PVL is a major cause of cerebral palsy(CP).  CVI can vary from low vision to no vision. We have researched and looked for any treatments to help our daughter.

Treatment Options:
There are no cures for any of Cayden's many health issues.  Though there are treatment options along with the traditional physical and occupational therapy.  We have found a treatment which is very intense and costly, with the average cost of 1 cycle(40 treatments) being $8,000. The treatment is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO), which will help restore blood flow to parts of her brain which were damaged at birth.  To read others parents HBO success stories go to HBO Testimonials.  We have also found umbilical cord stem cell transplant (SCT).  Which is a transplant of stem cells from the umbilical cord blood of healthy moms who gave birth to healthy babies. Each SCT cost from $8,000-$16,000 or more depending on the number of cells transplanted and the treatment center used.

We want to do anything we can to help our little fighter. We are in great need of any and all help.
We have a medical fund for Cayden:

Cayden Towery Medical Fund
4161 Weir Rd.
Cleveland, TX 77328

Cayden in her stander
strapped in tight Sept '06

You can help Cayden
A great way to contribute to the Cayden Towery Medical Fund by Shopping online from over 350 stores like Barnes & Noble, Gap, Office Max, 1-800-Flowers, REI, Orbitz, and more at! Up to 35% of each purchase will benefit us if you select Cayden Towery Medical Fund as your cause of choice. So anytime you buy online, whether you are looking for Airline Tickets, Flowers, Clothes, Music, or anything else… BuyForCharity. Or you can simply make a cash donation to Cayden's PayPal account by clicking donate button below.

To make a secure donation through
PayPal to the Cayden Towery Medical Fund
please click the blue donate button to the left. 

Written by Castle Towery
Site content organized by Castle and Shane Towery, Cayden's Mommy and Daddy

Send donations to:
Cayden Towery Medical Fund
4161 Weir Rd.
Cleveland, TX 77328